Saturday, 11 October 2014

Bur-kas and Bank Robbers

The current lascivious trend among democracies towards Muslim Women wearing traditional face coverings leave a lot to be desired.

As a Christian whom has many Muslim friends, I find the current Islamic phobia incited by a man whom puts socks in budgie smugglers to give women the impression he is well hung,(a very noticeable fact.) repulsive and true virtuosity of his indignant character.

There has been demonstrable angst in the media towards muslim women wearing the bur-ka, hijab etc., on the basis this is a security risk, needless to say advocates of banning the Bur-ka, have not provided any evidence of Bur-ka clad terrorism or crimes taking place in the community.

The only argument put forward by the Vile men whom plant socks in their budgie smugglers is that you can't tell whom is behind the face mask, wether it is male or female, an argument backed up by some women in the community, this is a sad indictment on the character of these women.

There is obviously something impeccably misconstrued by groups advocating banning religious headwear, or there are perverted sexual motives for their condemnation of Religious Headwear and Coverings, the latter is a be-fitting argument I will deal later in this post.

No where in Australia has a Bur-ka clad Armed Robbery, Break and Enter, Rape or any crime for that matter taken place, however, Hoodies, Balaclavas, Bike Helmets, Face Masks and Sun Glasses have been used in the maelstrom of crimes.

Statistically Australia is known as the rape capital of the World, second only to South Africa, in the majority of rapes in Australia the perpetrator wore a Hoodie, the rape of murder of Jill Meagher by Adrian Bailey is a prime example, video footage released by Victoria police on the night of the rape and murder of Jill Meagher clearly shows a hoodie clad Adrian Bailey.

Bulli Rapist - Terry John Williamson raped 10 women, girls and an 11 year old boy whilst wearing a balaclava.

Adelaide Rapist-Phillip Gordon Lindsay wore a mask as he terrorised and raped 12 women.

These are just three of the most notorious rape crimes committed in Australia by perpetrators wearing facial coverings, no where in the annals of crime can I locate Bur-ka or religious face covered rapist, so if anybody has proof of any such climes please enlighten me with the evidence.

Armed Robberies committed whilst wearing Balaclavas, Hoodies, Bike Helmets,Face Mask, Scarves and Sun Glasses dominate the annals of crime, once again no Bur-ka or religious head coverings reported.

Any attempt to commit a crime wearing a Bur-ka by a would be perpetrator would be difficult.

The obsession with Ostracizing Muslim women's right to wear religious headwear on the basis they can't tell if its a man or woman, can only be attributed to the Perverted sexual predatory behaviour of western men and women.

The distinction between a man and a woman, even if they were wearing full face covering is very obvious, blind Freddie could tell the difference, unless of course he had other Perverted intentions
that required to show her face.

Wearing a religious Face Covering is a right for Muslim women, it is their choice to do so, they are not forced to wear face coverings nor is it demanded by their religion.

There is an inherent bias advocated by perverted westerners whom know nothing of the religion itself, but are using the excuse of not being ale to tell if its a man or woman behind the covering to force these women to uncover themselves for nothing more than to satisfy their perverted sexually deprivation.

Muslim women across the World are to be applauded, for not having succumbed to Western Predatory Sexual Desires, unlike their Western Sisters.

Since the beginning of time Western Men and Women have no values or respect for themselves leave alone the rest of the world, their perverted sexual exploits are well documented, the majority of them being in-bred from engaging in sexual activities with-in their families, fathers having sex with daughters, mothers having sex with sons, a never ending plethora of perverted in-bred sexual activities.

Westerners have always had an angst towards communities that do not follow their perverted values and refused to participate in their evil satanic beliefs.

The hatred towards Muslim women is driven pre-dominantly by Western Women out of pure jealousy, Muslim women can boast they are virgins when they marry, are dedicated to their husbands and children, statistically their marriages last a life-time, especially if they are arranged, Muslim women dress appropriately, are articulate, well-educated and not shy at speaking their minds.

On the other hand what is it Western Women have to offer, the majority have had sexual encounters with their fathers, brothers, mothers and sisters before they turn sixteen, are addicted to alcohol and drugs by eighteen, have slept with more men than the number of their age and most likely can't remember, their alcohol and drug fuelled sexual exploits, have on average five children to five different fathers, are collecting child support from men whom are more than likely not the father of their children and last but not least look 100 years old by the time they are 20 years old.

In the work place Western Women require Governments to provide quotas and Affirmative Action Programs to compete for jobs, and cry sexual discrimination at the drop of a hat if they don't get promotions, even when they know they are incompetent and inept at filling a position.

These are the predatory parasites whom cast aspersions on the integrity of Muslim Women and other Nationalities, aided by pedophiles they call men.

I will be doing a story on Pedophiles in Power in my next blog..

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