Saturday, 5 October 2013

Work Place Bullying

Work place bullying has become an epidemic, leading to suicide.

In this article I will touch on some of the aspects of work place bullying an experience that can be frightening for anyone whom is or has been a victim.

Bullying in the workplace is practiced by Managers, Gangs and Individuals.


By far the most prolific work place bullies are Managers, whose practices are supported by Human Resources Management Teams. Here is three of the Bullying Practices Managers use.

(1) If you make a mistake even though it is a mistake that can be rectified, their tactics are "You have been trained, what seems to be the problem? can't you do this job?

(2) Witholding salaries and not responding to enquiries from affected employees.

(3) Witholding overtime payments

(4) Not providing Employees with a copy of the award agreement and thereby under paying employees their entitlements.

(5) Denying employees their legal entitlements under as per their workplace award.

(6) Witholding employee salaries till they agree to work for less than the award rates.

(7) Employees not agreeing to work for less than award rates are never paid even if they resign.

Escalating the above three issues to HR Management are often fruitless, conveniently the enquiries are fobbed off or forgotten.

Work Place Gangs

Work place gangs are a group operating together with a leader whom is a standover person, these gangs will go to extreme lengths to promote the group and their leader through the management ranks whilst securing high positions as they progress.

Here are some of the tactics these groups use:-

(1) They collectively abuse company policies by implementing and make false allegations against staff whom show any indication that their performance abilities are far superior to any of the gang members.

(2) Another practice is to distract staff members whilst another gang member plants contraband or illicit material in the victims drawers, lockers or bags and then bringing the matter to the attention of management.

(3) Induce other staff to with hold valuable information that would deny victims to perform their duties efficiently.

(4) Incite criminal gangs outside the work place to harass, intimidate, rob and assault their victims.


Individual bullying is undertaken by stand off merchants, whom will ambush their victims when there are no witnesses in sight then assault them.

In Australia Work Place Bullying cost over Forty Seven Billion Dollars a year to investigate, needless to say almost always the Inquiries are conducted by HR Management whom are susceptible to deliver their findings in favour of Work Place Bullies to protect the company from civil suits.